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Automating Feature-Based Inspection for Large Components: The Development of Lasar Radar

  • today
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  • blur_circularAeroDef Manufacturing Conference
This presentation will focus on the rapidly evolving state of laser radar, a cutting-edge technology development that is finally bringing traditional reflector-tracking accuracy to non-contact large-part measurement. For decades, large volume high accuracy scanning has been a pain point for manufacturers, especially when measuring intricate geometrics (including features and edges) on very large objects. This technology has been limited by its lack of accuracy when scanning these geometries on large structures like an aircraft fuselage or a wing joint. Until now, manufacturers have had to bring in complementary measurement systems that disrupt production and cause bottlenecks on the shop floor. They can also be dangerous, as this work historically has required scaffolding and bringing target reflectors, probes, or hand scanners to the part. In this presentation we will discuss new developments that allow laser radar to ensure significant time savings by being able to measure features and edges, while avoiding unreliable measurements and safety issues. This presentation will explain in detail how the technology has advanced and how it stands to transform industries such as aerospace by making large volume precision scanning automated, safer and more efficient. We will spotlight what technological advancements empower these new workflows, the benefits of being able to use a single technology for both surface and feature based inspection, the rapid pace of change in this space, and what manufacturers need to be aware of when it comes to honing their processes to stay competitive. We will present real world data showing what the technology is capable of and how it can be applied throughout several industries such as Aerospace, Automotive, Energy & Transportation.
  • Joel Martin
    Director of Product Management for Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence, North America
    Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence