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Ramona Fayazfar

Event Speakers
Ramona Fayazfar

Ramona Fayazfar

Ontario Tech University
Dr. Ramona Fayazfar, PhD, P.Eng., is a Professor at Ontario Tech University, Canada. She is the director of Eco-friendly Center of Circular Advanced Materials and Additive Manufacturing (E-CAM) lab at the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering. She holds an affiliated associate graduate faculty appointment in Materials Science and Engineering. Before joining Ontario Tech, she was a postdoctoral fellow with the Multi-Scale Additive Manufacturing group at the University of Waterloo. Her current research program focuses on leveraging additive manufacturing to develop and formualte new generation of novel low carbon, carbon negative, and circular materials, advancing towards a greener and more sustainable future. Bio-augmentation of waste plastic,polymer composites, Cementitious materials, and Sinter-based metal AM using eco-friendly resources, are at the core of ECAM to develop holistic solutions for closed-loop material use, promoting a greener environment. Other areas of research include Nanomaterial development for AM, Surface Engineering and Post-Processing, 3D printed Sensors and Wearables for Point-of-Care Diagnostics and Health Monitoring.


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