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Roger Holden

Event Speakers
Roger Holden

Roger Holden

True Position Robotics Limited
Roger has been working in advanced robotics, metrology and digital twinning for four decades. He started in automative working on the worlds first in-line direct glazing line. At ABB Robotics he managed the first robotic interior sealer (Ford Cologne, and adopted as a global process. In the early 90's he performed the first Off-Line Programming project for Ford Europe, and then the same simulation and off-line programming type projects in body construction for Volvo, Ford, Audi, ... working for Europes (and American Systems integrators). That's when he started his understanding of robot accuracy and metrology. In the 00's he moved into aerospace and has been an inventor of many patents in this space.


  • today
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  • blur_circularAeroDef Manufacturing Conference