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RAPID + TCT 2024 Security and Medical Contact Procedures

  • SME Staff

RAPID + TCT 2024

UPDATED June 24, 2024

Emergency Contact Procedures

The following are emergency contact procedures should certain situations arise.

Important Phone Numbers: please add them to your mobile phone for quick access.

Show Office Desk Telephone (Kris Cogliandro): (213) 743-6200.

Monitored 8:00AM-5:00PM

LACC Command Center: (213) 765-4605. Monitored 24/7.

Los Angeles Emergency Response: 911

Medical situation:

Minor Medical (fall, twisted ankle, conscious but unable to safely walk to

First Aid station)

Staff member contacts

▪ Kris Cogliandro – (213) 743-6200

▪ Kris will contact LACC Command Center – (213) 765-4605

▪ LACC Command Center will dispatch the appropriate responders

Major Medical (unconscious, heart attack, significant bleeding or visible injury)

Staff member contacts LACC Command Center directly @

▪ (213) 765-4605 or 911

▪ And then contacts Kris at (213) 743-6200

▪ Kris will contact LACC Command Center – (213) 765-4605


Minor Security (lost phone, lost wallet, theft in booth)

Staff member contacts:

▪ Kris Cogliandro – (213) 743-6200

▪ Kris will contact LACC Command Center – (213) 765-4605

▪ LACC Command Center will contact appropriate responders

Protests / Demonstrations, etc.

o Staff member contacts:

▪ Kris Cogliandro – (213) 743-6200

▪ Kris will contact LACC Command Center – (213) 765-4605

▪ LACC Command Center will contact appropriate responders

Suspicious Persons/Packages/Bomb Threat

o Staff member contacts:

▪ Kris Cogliandro – (213) 743-6200

• Kris will contact LACC Commander Center – (213) 765-4605

• LACC Command Center will contact appropriate responders

Major Security/Safety (Fire, life threatening, shooting, physical altercations)

o If SME staff person is near Los Angeles Police or security personnel, then:

▪ Staff member:

• Alerts the LAPD officer or security personnel

• Then contacts Kris Cogliandro at (213) 743-6200

• Kris will contact LACC Command Center – (213) 765-4605

• LACC Command Center will contact appropriate responders

o If SME staff person is NOT near a Los Angeles police or security personnel,


• Staff member contacts LACC Command Center directly

• (213) 765-4605 or 911

• And then contacts Kris at (213) 743-6200

• Kris will contact LACC Command Center – (213) 765-4605