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Todd Grimm: WOW! RAPID + TCT 2024

A fantastic event packed with insights to take AM to the next level

By Todd GrimmRAPID 2024 Show Floor

"Awesome" is the word I chose to sum up the RAPID + TCT event. This was my 30th visit, and it was undoubtedly the best one yet. From all perspectives, the event surpassed my expectations and outdid previous years. From the presentations to the casual conversations and from the show floor to the scheduled activities, everything was exceptional.

But I feel that the intangible element, the vibe, is what truly took RAPID + TCT to the next level. In spite of the economic challenges in additive manufacturing, the venue was filled with vibrance and enthusiasm balanced by realism and pragmatism rather than hype and ignorant exuberance.

SME and RAPID News Group went above and beyond to ensure that this was a fantastic event. Both exhibitors and attendees took full advantage of the hospitality, planning, and execution to contribute in ways that elevated the experience.

I could feel the difference from the first moment on the first day. Taking the stage, I was greeted by a packed room that was eager to learn, explore and discover. Setting the tone for the week, the Executive Perspectives Panel engaged in refreshingly honest dialogue about where we are and what we need to do to advance. Owning up to ‘self-inflicted wounds,’ the panelists’ message centered around being excited about additive while being humble and honest about the role it plays today and the hard work needed to advance to our desired future.

These Executive Perspectives Panels continued on days two and three, and the humble, pragmatic tone was unwavering.

RAPID 2024 Show FloorUpon conclusion of the mornings’ main stage programs (which were free for all to attend), I’d venture onto the show floor. With over 400 exhibitors, ranging from tiny startups to long-established industry leaders, there was far more to see and investigate than time allowed. As I made my way through the floor, I discovered new, innovative solutions as well as incremental advancements to improve additive capabilities.

That last point was a bit remarkable. The tone of the Executive Perspective Panels played out on the show floor, almost as if a pre-event doctrine had been laid out for all to follow. The innovations brought excitement while the advancements were positioned humbly as ‘user-desired’ improvements.

The days were long and tiring because there was so much to discover and learn. Yet, the agenda was filled with enjoyable activities to negate the fatigue. The two examples that were top-of-mind for most were the Hollywood Showcase and the AM Industry Celebration.

Thanks to Gentle Giant Studios and Direct Dimensions, attendees could meander through a 40’ x 40’ show floor exhibit of larger-than-life movie characters and make an appointment for a full body ‘scan’ in a self-contained, moblie photogrammetry studio. I am not one to be smitten by stardom, but it was pretty cool to be standing on the spot where Beyoncé stood a few months prior for Gentle Giant Studios to capture here in 3D.

At the end of day two, the atrium of the LA Convention Center was buzzing during the AM Industry Celebration. Fueled by food, beverage and entertainment, RAPID + TCT participants engaged with old friends (and made new ones) with a continuation of the excited-but-pragmatic tone of the event.

RAPID 2024 Show FloorIt was a great event, but I have one huge regret. I regret not heeding my own advice to come to RAPID + TCT with colleagues. Being solo (yet surrounded by friends and associates), there wasn’t enough time to see and experience it all. Stopping only for lunch, I did not have the time to visit all the exhibitors or to enjoy the presentations offered with a full conference pass.

Thanks to the efforts of the event organizers and the contributions by speakers, exhibitors and attendees, RAPID + TCT 2024 was phenomenal. With that experience, I will join the hundreds of others I spoke to who said they will definitely be attending RAPID + TCT 2025 (Detroit, MI, April 8 -10).

Wherever you are in your additive journey, I strongly recommend that you plan on joining me and countless others next year in Detroit for inspiration balanced by pragmatism. Let’s come together and continue the journey with excitement and humility. Let’s come together to take additive to the next level!

Todd Grimm is president of T. A. Grimm & Associates, an additive consulting and communications company, and an event advisor for RAPID + TCT.